What is Kyphoplasty?


Any kind of fracture in a bone can be painful for the human body. If the affected bone or joint becomes sensitive from injury, even minor movements can be inhibited. Especially in the case of a break or compression fracture in your vertebra, you cannot move freely without pain. The slight break in your bones can result in bone fragments rubbing together while moving or performing any regular activity. Kyphoplasty is a popular recommended procedure to elicit pain relief from compression fractures.

If you are noticing any pain or have experienced a bone fracture, it’s in your best interest to consult a professional, such as Northern Arizona Spine and Pain for an evaluation and discussion of various treatment options. With a professional team of pain management therapists, Northern Arizona Spine and Pain works hard for the cure of chronic pain.

What is Kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty, also known as Vertebroplasty, is a surgical treatment intended to augment the vertebra to its original state, stabilize bone, and eliminate pain caused by a spinal fracture. A surgical cement is injected into the fractured bone through a small hole in the skin; thus, filling the space compressed from the fracture and relieving pain. The cement strengthens the bones to support the free movements of the joints for normal flow of the body. Most of the time, the patient does not have to stay in the hospital for a long time, and the surgery is complete in a few hours.

The success rate of this procedure is relatively high if the surgery is carried out within two months of the fracture diagnosis. If other surgeries and medical measures have failed to deliver the desired results and mobility, the Kyphoplasty treatment may be a suitable option for your treatment needs.

What are the Procedural Steps of Kyphoplasty?

A typical Kyphoplasty treatment entails:

1. A small tube is inserted into the body through a hole in the skin. The general cut is a half-inch in most of the cases to target damaged vertebral. X-ray technique is used to ensure accuracy.

2. With a balloon at the tip of the top, a thin tube is inserted into the vertebra. The balloon creates space for the cement in the gap or fracture between the bones.

4. The cement is slowly injected into the damaged bone, and the balloon is removed from the cavity

5. The cement takes about 10 minutes to harden within the bones

Recovery Time for the Patient

In most cases of Kyphoplasty at Northern Arizona Pain Institutes, patients start feeling the relief right after two to three days of the treatment.

Depending upon the nature of the patient and expertise of the doctor performing the treatment, the time of treatment can vary. General anesthesia is administered and patients are normally discharged within the same day as the procedure.

Possible Risks and Complications of Kyphoplasty

Like any other medical procedures or treatments, there exist slight risks of medical complications. Due to the penetration of the needle, there may be some bleeding in rare cases. If the needle touches some nerves, the patient may feel slight numbness and weakness.

If you have a special medical condition of any kind, always let your doctor know about the medical conditions before Kyphoplasty treatment.

Although not considered a major or invasive surgery, you should never overlook the importance of a professional doctor for the treatment. Northern Arizona Pain Institutes has the most experienced team of pain management therapists in the Cottonwood area. Please visit our website for more information or to book an appointment: northernarizonapaininstitutes.com.


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