
Showing posts from August, 2020

What is Kyphoplasty?

WHAT IS KYPHOPLASTY? Any kind of fracture in a bone can be painful for the human body. If the affected bone or joint becomes sensitive from injury, even minor movements can be inhibited. Especially in the case of a break or compression fracture in your vertebra, you cannot move freely without pain. The slight break in your bones can result in bone fragments rubbing together while moving or performing any regular activity. Kyphoplasty is a popular recommended procedure to elicit pain relief from compression fractures. If you are noticing any pain or have experienced a bone fracture, it’s in your best interest to consult a professional, such as Northern Arizona Spine and Pain for an evaluation and discussion of various treatment options. With a professional team of pain management therapists, Northern Arizona Spine and Pain works hard for the cure of chronic pain. What is Kyphoplasty? Kyphoplasty, also known as Vertebroplasty, is a surgical treatment intended to augment the vertebra to